There are 75 products in this category.
Krinos Fillo Twisters Feta and Ricotta 840gr
Krinos Fillo Mini Rolls Feta and Ricotta 454gr
Krinos Fillo Mini Rolls Spinach, Feta and Ricotta 454gr
Krinos Fillo Mini Rolls Sauteed Ground Beef 454gr
Krinos Fillo Mini Rolls Red Pepper and Feta 454gr
Krinos Fillo Triangles Feta Cheese 340gr
Krinos Fillo Triangles Spinach and Feta 340gr
Krinos Fillo Mini Rolls Red Pepper and Feta 1kg
Krinos Fillo Mini Rolls Feta and Ricotta 1kg
Krinos Fillo Mini Rolls Spinach, Feta and Ricotta 1kg
5 x Spiral Spinach - Cheese
5 x Spiral Potato - Leak
5 x Spiral Cheese
Molokhıa by Tamara 400gr
Okra by Tamara 400gr